Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Evian or Bottled water? What the hell?

      Before I start, I just want to say that I shall skip the reasons on why I am starting yet another blog. It is kind of my fault, and I feel like a bit of a berk about it. Oh well... I shall rephrase one wise Bulgarian saying ''A new bride, new luck.'' We can interpret it like  ''A new blog, new great readers.'' I hope that you will enjoy your time here.
     When it comes to music, I do not really care what I am listening to as long as it sounds right to my ears. And should you say, that I am homophobic, I shall inform you that I also like some of Bieber fever's songs. Good for Obama though, because I surely won't jump on to bully Mr.Bieber if I ever meet him. (You'd know what I am on about, if you bothered to watch  the speech of his Obama-ness.) However, there is one type of music, which I can't differentiate. Rock music is something that I deeply appreciate, because let's be honest, 1970's rock sounds pretty kick a**. But asking me to tell apart a Guns 'n Roses song from an AC/DC song, would be like asking me to tell the difference between two match sticks. It is all the same to me.
     And my ignorance sprawls all the way from music, to water. Aaah water...H2O...70% of our bodies. We'd look like dried weed without it. We have to consume it of course, but how much money does it have to consume from us? With the constant annoying spread of snobbism, we witness the release of snob water like ''Evian''. Why? I bought a bottle of it in Bulgaria once, and the only premium feel about it, was the price tag. The taste was..more or less strangely supple, which is not very much to my liking. I am right in saying that I'd rather drink my own pepper spray.
     You shall say- ''But some people want to look good!'' What with? Water? Yes I know the brand name is fancy, but try and stick a ''Givenchy' badge on a pile of excrements, and then pack it in your bag. This will help you realise how you look like with a bottle of water possessing a pink nylon cover. And one ''Evian'' 500ml bottle costs a fortune. It's not like it consists of liquefied diamonds. They don't sprinkle gold in it, the bottle is not made out of silicon carbide, and drinking it won't cause an epic world apocalypse. It will just force you to pee like a pony with diseased kidneys.
     Why then, is it that successful? Well...My theory, is that it is one of the few cheap premium goods. Because when you think of it, everyone can find some money for an ''Evian'' bottle. What boggles the mind though, is why do people keep on buying? If all you want is the crowd to know you are drinking ''Evian'' water, why don't you just fill the old bottle with some tap H2O? It's not like a scientist will come up to you and measure the bacteria content with a pipette. It doesn't matter you'll catch salmoella; you shall look good, and that's important. And there you go...Dimiter solves your problem again in a trifle. 
     These goods with extreme added value, always manage to get my nerves stretched like guitar strings. And seeing customers fall for overpriced junk, collapses my nervous system. How can you think that ''Evian'' water is better than the rest? What makes you think a ''Jaguar'' is better than ''Lancia''? You might just as well know that the ''premium'' Jag X-type is nothing but a Flimsy Ford Mondeo underneath. Companies know, how stupid the customers are (And I have to admit, I am one of them) and release overpriced manure, which is a total write off in two years. But customers still flap their heads around it, like the dress of a drunk opera singer.
     But I have an idea...Let us all go back to the forest and have twelve babies, eat leafs, live in a cave, and hunt penguins. How enjoyable would that be?

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